Thursday, September 27, 2007

le 27 septembre

I have 2 tests on my birthday next week.
Those are Frencha and Math.

I am so tired now because I ran before I came to French class.
I had a meeting after lunch in Mr. Kane's class. We talked about Thanks giving day trip.
I am exciting to go to the trip on Thanks giving day.
We are going to PEI and Harifax.
I already to go to there when I attend school trip last year.
I like school trip except hotels.
We have to share a bed. That is not nice for me.
When I went to school trip at first time, I didn't know about that and we have to buy food by own.
So I was surprizes about that.

When I went to PEI, there were rain.
So I didn't enjoy about rainig trip beause I couldn't get nice pictures.
I hope I can get nice pictures on Thanks giving day trip.

I don't like get up at night.
I got up at night few times recently.
And also my roommate, who is Danielle Dellolio, has same probrem.
We always go to bed at 10:00. I know it is early but we always tired. So we need to sleep.
Sometimes I couldn't go to bed because there is too noisy at night in Quinn house.
Some girls are screeming. I don't like that people make a lot of noise at night.
Anyways I hope I can go to bed as soon as possible tonight because I am so tired.

I am scary about effort grade coming tomorrow.
I hope I am on goodstanding.